Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I am weird.

I just got off the phone with a friend who was calling me from 2000 miles away just because, apparently, I am "good at calming [her] down." I get this a lot. I have several friends who I only met because they were having a bad day and we made a connection while they were feeling down.

My personality is just reassuring for some I guess, but this last conversation got me thinking: what helps me feel better? I can't recall very many conversations with another person where the words they said or the way they said them made my problems feel smaller or my tasks more manageable. Most of the time when I have something in my life that is upsetting me or making me feel less than okay it just seems to evaporate after a few hours without me noticing.

What makes me feel better? Am i missing the part of the brain that yearns for outside reassurance or support? Do i even need it? A lot of the time my strongest emotional responses to things, (especially angry or mournful ones), are brought about through someone else's struggles or issues. I would describe myself as an emotional sponge. I feel the most emotional when I'm sharing someone else's feelings.

I mean, this is so severe with me that I hate to watch dramatic movies when other people are around. In a movie like the 7th Harry Potter movie, all of the strongest human emotions are played up and enhanced in an attempt to reach the viewers on a personal level. I have the strongest emotional reactions to movies, (crying, laughing, immersion in a character), out of anyone I have ever met. Movies are like hyper condensed emotion fests and my brain can't tell the difference between watching a movie character loose a loved one and a real person loose someone and it reacts just as powerfully. I'm a huge crier because of this and I hate it, hence I don't watch movies with people much.

Am I defective? Why do my own problems usually roll of me while others upsets leave me feeling blue and hurt? Even when i do feel the sting of my own issues, no level of supportive conversation with a friend or number of hugs really changes much. I usually just wake up the next morning feeling pretty much nothing and go on with my day like nothings wrong. I don't feel stressed or scared for myself on an emotional level for very long: i tend to just recognize that something should be scary or stressful and make them a priority for the day.

I dunno. None of this makes any sense i bet, not even to me: but I thought writing it down would help me get it better... no such luck.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thallium and "Thank You" Notes

So I'm currently sitting in my "Chem 101" chemistry class during summer semester at BYU in Provo. Back in February when I was choosing which classes I wanted to take I decided that taking Chemistry would be moderately challenging but still mostly just a refresher course to the three years worth of chemistry classes I took in my sophomore and junior years of High School.

Mr. Weiss was my chemistry teacher at Mandarin High in Jacksonville Fl. and despite the fact that our curriculum was mandated by Cambridge University in Britain, who's program directors just so happen to think that students and teachers alike have nothing better to do with there time than to teach, learn, breathe, dream, and exist within their subject material, Mr Weiss did a fantastic job of teaching us Chemistry.

That being said, I didn't pass the AP test and the AICE test (the one from Cambridge) was a total joke. I've never spent more time drawing funny faces on a test paper in my whole academic career. I was proud of several of the Pro-America puns I included on the grading sheet that was meant for "Graders Only". NO, the testing at the end of the year was difficult and at times overwhelming and i did not do well. However I did learn the material, even if often it was only through passive participation of being around it every day for two years.

Apparently my head had more Chemistry knowledge than I thought buzzing around in it because upon entering this college level chemistry class for the first time I realized just how prepared for the course I really was. My professor is a fine teacher and he obviously knows his stuff, but I often find myself ,(like now), preoccupied in class with seemingly more productive ventures like trying to learn my way around Google+ or researching online for my paper due in my Book of Mormon 121 class with Bro. Belnap. The material is just too easy!

Its not that I'm talented in the subject, i enjoy it, but I'm not particularly good at it: but the problems this semester have been easy to the point of boredom. For instance, my first test was last week. I almost missed it! My very first test in college and I found myself sprinting across campus to make it to the testing center before the time I thought it would close. I found, upon stumbling into the upstairs office, that I still had about four hours to take the test. Notwithstanding this, my heart was racing far above normal levels in thin mountain air and I'm pretty sure that I was at less than peak test taking performance as I sat down and blew through the 45 question exam in about twenty minutes.

One of the cool features about the testing center is that scan-tron (multiple choice) tests re graded on the spot and by the time you walk downstairs the results of your exam are displayed on a T.V screen next to the last four numbers of your student I.D number. I got a 94%. On an exam I didn't study for. My heart rate was at about 200 a minute from trying to quickly but suavely fly across campus to make it to the exam "on time". WHAAAAA?!?!

I never once made a 94% on a Chem test in High school. This is crazy. This is unheard of for me. This. Is. So. AWESOME. I managed to pick the one class that I could pass from day one that fulfilled my G.E requirement for science and I did so as my very first college course. Pretty lucky if you ask me.

SO, because of all this, I've decided to send my wonderful High School Chem teacher, Mr. Weiss, a thank you note. It will probably go something like this;

Yo Weiss,


He will appreciate it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Work-arounds from DCPS

I love it when you are given a counts for nothing assignment in school. I could study for the AP Psych test later today... I could take a nap... BUT WAIT. I could defenitly spend 45 minutes trying to find more workarounds for the school network. For some reason I get this strange sense of satisfaction from finding ways around the school networks "firewall"...ahem.... but by doing it ONLY with the use of google search and my mouse. This is half because its more fun that way and half because my mad hacker skills are seriously lacking.... and possibly non-existant.

Work around #1: BLOGGER! I am very proud of this little creation although it was very easy to do. For some reason blogger will open from the Google Home page only if you open it in a new browsing window. Weird, and theres probably some techy reason for it but I care not. I just feel aswesome for outsmarting "the system"/ wasting a few minutes of time during school hours. Ahhh, i can feel my brain cells returning to vegitation mode as I type. Feels good.

Ap Bio?

Monday, April 11, 2011

LDS General Conference: April 2011

Saturday Afternoon Session:   

Dieter F. Uchtdorf Presiding

The General Officers and Authorities of the Church are sustained.

There are 10 new are 70's called.

Bro. Cantwell:

All assets have been accounted for.

14131467 total members

4 Temples dedicated in 2010

(1) Boyd K. Packer

We are called Mormons but that is not really accurate.

The Lord tells the Nephites that we are to take upon us the name of Christ. "Whatsoever ye should do, ye shall do in my name."  This is why we are called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". We should use this name and not "Mormons".  Refer to members as Latter Day Saints not as Mormons. We are not Mormons, but we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ. Ou church is run under his authority and everything is done in his name. we need to be sure that we credit him in all that we do especially as a church. 

Our Church is comprised by ordinary en and women. "Just men" are those who run the church. It is held together by the spirit of Christ.

The revelations of The Word Of Wisdom and The Proclamation on The Family are both examples of the way in which ongoing revelation is received by our church leaders.

The Plan of happiness centers on family life. Marriage is an equal partnership. The man is the head and the woman is the heart. The Husband should revere womanhood and treat her with respect above all else.

"John, leave it alone."

 Sometimes we just need to let go of our greatest losses because "nothing we can do will help and anything we do will make it worse." Only through time will we understand why things happen to us. We need to not be offended by others and especially by church members.  We need to forgive and forget. "The are the mistakes of men, condemn not the things of God."

14 million people and its only the people. We are ordinary people and we need to forgive those harm us and make up and repent when we cause harm because all of us are flawed.  This Church is the only true church. We cannot risk loosing ourselves over something small. 

The church will progress with or without you. If you refuse to forgive and forget then you will be left behind.  This is the only way to true happiness.

(2) Russell M. Nelson

We support you and we sustain you as members. We love you and we are grateful for your support. The children of the church are the future of the church.

The only premature death is one where the person is not prepared to meet God.

The destiny of a child is formed by the faith of their parents. My faith now is the influencing force in the testimony of my children and the future generations of the church.

We cannot let our fears displace faith. Start with your own faith. Those around you can tell when you are faithful. Focus your life on Christ and it will strengthen those  you come in contact with. Teach your children who they are and that they have divine potential.  Teach them to keep all of the commandments and explain why they should.  Don’t allow the "cafeteria approach" to obedience. Follow all of the commandments otherwise it is as if you follow none of them. Angels are on call to help us at all times. All we need to do is be faithful and then we will go where the angels are. We can also ask for their help.

Prayer is the source of unfailing faith. The Prophet Josephs faith came from prayer in Carthage. (D&C 121). Sometimes a change in perspective is the result of prayer allowing us to go on. God will heed the sincere prayer and faith will be strengthened.

Paying a full tithe is essential. Eventually it becomes a privilege not a sacrifice. "there shall not be room enough to receive it." It protects us from the day of vengeance and from the difficult days ahead.

Persecution will either motivate us into greater strength or it will crush us into silent weakness. My children and grandchildren depend on my decision to be faithful.

The Melchizedek Priesthood holds the keys to all spiritual blessings and can change the circumstances of your life. The Lord will sustain Temple blessings forever based on our  worthiness.

The Lord will fight our battles for us if we are faithful and we do what he says. Follow him and we open up our lives to his change.

Thomas S Monson: "Fear not, the future is as bright as your faith".

Face the future with faith.

(3) Richard J. Maynes

Truth seeking investigators are drawn to the concept of Eternal Families. We have a heavenly family as well as an earthly family. We are his eternal offspring. "I am a child of God".

The family is fundamental to both the future of the church and our eternal futures. 

The adversary wants to tear apart the family. Selfishness, greed, and pornography are the tools he uses to destroy the family.

"The family is ordained of God." The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

Establish a Christ Centered Home: Hold FHE, daily prayer and scripture study. At fist things wont be easy and children may not always remember the lessons or the scriptures or the prayers but they will remember that we pray and read the scriptures and meet as families. Establish the traditions of faith in childhood and strong future homes will be created. The family can be a stronghold against the world if the home becomes Christ centered through the parents teachings to their children. Parents are accountable to the Lord for this. 

"Lambs follow the sheep. Sheep need to be right or else the lambs will be lost as well."

My mistakes will set my children up to fall and I am responsible for them even before they are on earth.  If they are not baptized then their sins are on my head. I need to do all I can to teach them and to support a Christ centered home.

Our home is like a rope. It is comprised of many strands. The strands of our families are its members and the rope is only as strong as its individual members. We need to maintain and care for the strands of our families to ensure that the whole unit stays strong.

The Family is eternal and is the point of all else that we do.  By living in a faithful home we will learn to be more Christ like as individuals and have more eternal homes as a group.

(4) Cecil O. Samuelson

A testimony is our sure witness of the gospel of Christ that is received through the Holy Ghost.

Who can have a testimony? Everyone may have a testimony. "The voice of the lord is unto the ends of the earth."

How does one recive revelation for a testimony? Search ponder and pray and then ask if it is NOT true. If you ask with real intent and a sincere heart the holy ghost will manifest the truth.

Is a testimony ongoing? Yes. It needs constant nourishment. It is like a living organism that needs food and shelter.

1)Everyone has worth because we are children of God. We must trust him.

2)Testimony is usually gradual and not a single event.

3)The point of life it to be tested so there will be "dark spots".


4)We must learn to trust ourselves.

6)teaching someone else strengthens us.

7)We must do the daily things to maintain our testimonies.

8)We should not hold others to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.

9)Being to hard on yourself is just as bad as being to casual.

10)The atonement is always applicable. Always.

Sometimes we may be missing a specific part of a full testimony but that does not make the whole body untrue. We just need to push forward and eventually we will understand all truth.

(5) Dallin H. Oaks

Desires dictate our priorities. They determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming. 

Food: We have a basic need for food. Can be overridden by fast.

Shelter: We overcome this to go scouting.

Sleep: We can overcome this by going to seminary.

Sometimes we need to override our human desires for Devine desires. 

Enos had a desire for his brethren. They were granted to him because of his faith.

Desire to labor to faith. Desires need to work in us to become faith.

A just God will grant unto us our desires whether we want death or eternal life. We determine our eternal fate based on our true desires. What we seek we desire. What do you truly desire?

It is not easy to desire things other than property, prominence, pride, and power but overcoming them allows us to sublimate our minds and hearts in the service of God.

We develop desires by envisioning what it is that we want. If we can place our ultimate goals at the center of our hearts then we will be able to develop intense desires that cut us free from our sinful desires. We loose our desire for sin by replacing it with a desire for eternal life. What we insistently desire we will eventually become. Pray so that your true desires can be the best ones.

DESIRE AN ETERNAL MARRIAGE. Priority efforts should be put forward to reaching this goal.

(6) M. Russell Ballard

"All things beareth record of him."

We sometimes are so busy looking for large nuggets of faith that we ignore the small and simple means by which we grow in the gospel. The gospel of Christ is simple. If we keep our lives simple we will be able to grow in it.

There is one sublime principal that encompasses the gospel of Christ.  Love the Lord thy God and Love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving God allows us to spread that joy to those around us. When e feel the love of Christ we think feel and act like he does. We re better equipped to give charity unto those we see every single day. "Love one to another." The simple acts of service and simple displays of love show or love.

Love begins in the home. Small and simple means bring to pass love for all members of our families.  Teach love by example.

Service in the church should be guided by love. Treat others kindly in the church and being sensitive within the Ward and Stake t the needs of others. Don’t gossip and always look out for others and love will be fostered. Love and service strengthens and broadens Zion.  Fellowship through service blesses lives.

Service in the community allows for those outside the church allow for our love to fill the world. Do not limit your service to church members.  Spread our kindness everywhere. "Kindness is the essence of greatness".

Missionary service displays love. Spreading the Gospel of Christ is one of the greatest displays of love we can give to those we come in contact with. They are entitled to the truth and joy that we are gifted with. Do not be stingy with what you have of the gospel. It is infinite and there is plenty to go around. The more people in it the happier we will all be in the end. "The needs of others are ever present. Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is no purpose in our lives." - Thomas S. Monson.

Our small and simple acts of kindness and service will result in an  infinite life of eternal happiness for everyone who will accept it. We can show our love for Christ and desire for eternal life through our simple  service.

General Conference

Priesthood Session

Conducted by Henry B. Eyring

(1) Neil L.  Anderson

Why were you sent to earth at this specific time?

The priesthood has allowed you to help prepare the world for the

Second coming of the savior. The lord needs missionaries. "Every

worthy, able young man should prepare to serve a mission."

Service requires sacrifice. You will always leave something behind. A

mission will require you to leave behind opportunities of many kinds

but the opportunities and growth ahead will outweigh anything you may

lose. A mission will never be a setback if served fully. Your ability

to touch lives will affect the world in ways no other service can. One

of the fret miracles of missionary work is that you are to ask "what

can I give?" not what can you get. It is a preparation for the rest of

your life, especially marriage.

"Ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect."

The sun never sets on the lord’s missionary work.

Christa name is the only name and authority by Whig missionary work

may go forth. If by any other way it will fail.

This work is a spiritual work. Prepare for service being keeping

yourself clean and pure and worthy. Remember the sacred assignment

ahead. Your actions prior to your mission will influence the priesthood

you bring into your mission. You will be called by prophesy and serve

where you are needed most.

Senior missionary work is highly important as well and is a

wonderfully experience for a couple. The joy of witnessing a united

family as you serve your mission will be overwhelming.

(2) Steven E. Snow

Hope is looking forward with desire and mild confidence. The best

things to hope for are those things in which we can actively reach for.

Hope for things that you can cause to come to pass. Often hope is

dashed by a lack of action. Wishing and hoping are not the same. To

hope is also to act, to strive, to achieve. It boosts moral and boosts

activity and energy in life.

We must all hope for the personal fulfillment of the atonement. This

gives us eternal perspective. We don't need to be trapped by societies

fickle expectations. Instead we can be faithfully as we hope for

eternal marriage and families. If we hope strong enough we will

achieve that which we have faith and in and hope for. Faith, hope, and

charity all make up our tether to the celestial and the sublime. With

them we can press forward with steadfastness in Christ. If we posses

this hope we will be able to do normally remarkable things. Patience

and Strength abounds in a hopeful individual. Anything righteous is

possible with hope. Our challenges are diverse but all of them can him

overcome with hope and faith because our minds and hearts can vault

any physical obstacle.

(4) Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Are we as priesthood holders living below our privileges that are our

right and duty to hold. The priesthood is the key to the knowledge of

God and its blessings go beyond our comprehension. We are sanctified

to the renewing of our bodies and all of this is beautiful and amazing

and true. All of this power is entrusted to me and am I living below

that potential. Is there any evidence in my daily life that I am a

holder of the priesthood. am I taking Part of a universal priesthood?

power daily? We attend meetings and nod our heads and not down notes

and say "I will do that". But we don't actually do it. Our "do-it"

switch needs to be in the now not later position. The way we live up

to our priesthood will define us.

Read the owner’s manual. Without knowing how to use it a computer is

without power, just like the priesthood. We must re-read sections 20 84 107

and 121 of the D&C to learn how to use our power. We spend a lot of

time learning in our daily learning and education but we must also be

an expert in the doctrine of the priesthood because it is readily

available and applicable to every part of daily life. It is sublime

and supernal but is a part of everything.

Seek out revelations of the spirit. Revelation is the only way to a

sure testimony and without testimony, priesthood cannot be used.

Priesthood is critical because it is the channel of revelation by

which god’s children are led? We need revelation or our priesthood

cannot grow. With priesthood we can reach beyond our earthly limits

and understand those things which, alone, we could not attain. We can

recognize the ministering of the spirit directly for us.

Find joy in priesthood service. We need to both master the system and

catch the spirit of priesthood service. We need to regain our sense of

awe at the priesthood which we hold. Don't just do why is expected.

Feel the joy of your ability to be an instrument in God’s hands.

Assignments can feel like burdens. Worried, worrying, and whining hold

us down from the joy of faithful and dedicated priesthood service

especially within our own home and relationships.

Think about your service from the perspective of those whom you

serve. See things from Gods eyes. Never become hardened to the wonder

and awe of what God has entrusted to us. May we find true joy in our

service as we live up to our potential. One day we will be able to do

all things.

(3) Larry M. Gibson

The duties of an Aaronic priesthood holder.....

Take the instructions in the scriptures to heart.

Go back and read his talk. It's too involved to take notes on.

Priesthood is not so much a gift but a opportunity to serve and an

honor bestowed so that work may be done.

You must be worthy at all times and in all places because you have the

authority to minister. You have an important mission to fulfill.

(5) Henry B. Eyring

We all have a need to learn our duties in the priesthood. Follow your

president as he sits in council. Allow your leaders testimony and love

support you and your spirituality as you find your way.

Bishop leads us as though our opinions are truly important. This is

how you should lead. With humility and to sit and council with the

members of your quorum. Do not lead as dictator but as a mediator.

Have love for your quorum members. This will increase faith. This kind

of brotherhood will strengthen then backbone of the church and bring

forth the armies of Zion. This love within the quorum allows for

priesthood learning. Organization around a teacher with respect and

love for all those in participation. All men have equal privileges and

equal strength. Do not find fault in your brethren but be a friend

and brother to them. This is both a cause and effect of learning

gospel truth. Discord and jealousy inhibits the learning potential of

a priesthood body. Great peacemakers allow things to work on common

ground so that all may grow.

Labor for the salvation of men unifies quorums. We have all been

prepared before birth to be honored as priesthood holders. We were

prepared for this before we were born. This is a sacred duty that we

must feel in our hearts and feel a bond worldwide. You can always do

something that matters. You can always serve. You can always do your

duty. No matter where you are and no matter your personal condition.

Priesthood lessons are of eternal worth. No barrier is too high for you

with Christ and your brethren.

(6) Thomas S. Monson

This has been a spiritual feast.

Brethren, it has been good for us to be together this evening.

He felt impressed to share this with us:

The rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers

of heaven. We cannot use this power if we are without faith and


The moral compass of the masses has shifted to "anything goes". The

world is growing farther and farther from the church. The media

portrays terrible things. Do not subject yourself to it all. Do not

fall into profanity.

The lord’s name is taken in vain constantly. This is against one of the

ten commandments. The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his

name in vain. Don't do it.

Don't do anything that you cannot be proud of. Do not view

pornography, it is addictive. Avoid other drugs and addictive

substances. A strong testimony of the savior will see you through to


Read the Book Of Mormon. Read it now.

If you do not already have a testimony, get one. Now. It is essential

to have your own testimony. Once you have one, it must be kept alive

through obedience to the gospel principles. Seize any unworthiness

and talk with your bishop.

Powerful Words Continue.....

GET MARRIED. You are limiting the options of the young women in your

lives. You need to get married. There are not enough young men who are

available because of their own unwillingness to get married. A young

man who is righteous and willing to marry is hard to come by and will

and should be held to by young woman. You will not be able to

anticipate everything but if you are committed to being married to her

then you can get through anything. Be married in the house of the

lord. Keep your courtship within proper bounds.

I also want to talk about this:

Divorce can almost always be avoided. Women need someone who will be

fiercely loyal to them. You are hers. Choose your love and then love

your choice. Period. She is your equal and neither partner is below

the other. You walk side by side. A son and daughter of God, young and

hopeful couple, with much to learn and so much to love.

Be the right person so that you can then marry the right person.

Go to the temple as a couple. It will strengthen your marriage to

watch another sealing. The temple brings couples together. Serve

together in the temple.

It is up to me to discipline myself to be honorable and decent so that

I can maintain a faithful marriage.

(Also my 20 month anniversary with April Stevenson)

Sunday Morning Session

75th Anniversary of the Welfare Program

(1) Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Sometimes we feel that the heavens must part for us to believe. We find ourselves

Waiting on the road to Damascus. We delay our salvation waiting for Christ to remove our faith once and for all. But this knowledge usually comes in the form of a puzzle: one piece at a time. Looking back on our experiences at the end we will be able to look back and see that the savior had been there the whole time.

If we ignore or block out the promptings of the spirit, eventually we will no longer be able to fell it at all. Often we will be asked to rearrange our schedule so that we can conform to the demands of the spirit.  Let us strive to be among those whom the lord can rely on to hear his whisperings and respond. "Lord, what will thou have me to do?"

Other times we will not receive direct answers. We need to study out our problems and pray so that we can find through the spirit the answers for ourselves.  These answers are often not only for our own benefit but also for the benefit of others. God does notice us but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs and thus it is vital that we serve each other. Serve as the savior did to reach out and uplift others so that we can be uplifted. The answers often do not come while we are on our knees but while we are on our feet.

By becoming the answer to another's prayer, we often find the answers to our own.  Do not be afraid to reach out to everyone so that through them your prayers can be answered.

Sharing the good news of the gospel is easier to share now than ever. "I bet there are already those of you who have texted: "He's been speaking for ten minutes and still no aviation analogy!"

Use your hands to text and send the gospel to all the world but at the right time and in the right place.

~Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.~

Let us not wait to long on our own road to Damascus.

(2) Paul V. Johnson

Why must we face difficult challenges? One reason is because we must have a trial of our faith. But they are also so that we may become divine.

"No pain we suffer, no trial we experience is wasted."

The darkest events always precede the greatest experiences.

Sometimes we want growth without challenges but without resistance to our efforts we will never be rewarding and we will never grow.

We will not b left alone to meet our challenges without help. Guardian angels will surround us both from this world and from God. If you put your trust in God you will be supported in your afflictions.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" No thing can keep us from Christ. All we need to do is ask for his help.

(4)Silvia H Allred

Welfare is meant to help the members help themselves. Home and visiting teachers are especially important to the program and the relief society is expert at making the weary heart rejoice. The women will inspire the men to jointly participate in bringing relief.

The entire system is mobilized through Bishops and ward auxiliaries. The combined efforts church wide saves souls by bring relief and spreading faith in Christ.

Paying fast offerings brings resources to the bishop.

Short term needs are met and then a long term plan to bring the member to self reliance is created. Our service to these less wealthy members is pure religion. A total demonstration of our faith. As we pay our fast offerings generously we are showing in secret to the lord that we love his children and he will reward us openly. Every single member of the church has welfare open to them.

Heavenly father loves us and knows our unique circumstances and abilities. Our needs will be met specifically for us through specific other people.

The lord will bless us with a greater sense of charity as we assist the less fortunate.

(3) H. David Burton

Those of us in need of temporal help are not in any position to receive the Gospel of Christ.  The setting up of welfare in the Church has been because of Devine revelation and not because of the ideas of man.

One of the reasons that we set up welfare is that we may be able to retain a remission of our sins because the suffering of those around us are not on our heads.

No matter how big the Church gets and no matter how strong it becomes, if we do not lift up hose in need and ignore the mourning of others we are under condemnation by the Lord. We are to seek out those who need our support both temporal and emotional so that we can grow a bond of love with all these we come in contact with.

We must take upon ourselves the yoke of the suffering of those around us as we are able because it is a commandment from God.

We will not be able to save everyone, but we must do all we can. Our service will clean our hearts before God.

"Be kind to the poor."

The prophetic welfare plan is not just a footnote in the history of the church. It is the essence of who we are as disciples of Jesus the Christ. Being kind to the poor is a sanctifying work and it allows all involved to grow closer to God.

(5) David A. Bednar

Our recognition of light in our lives is similar to watching the sun come up. Its gradual and steady as the light increases subtly. Sometimes it is also like turning on a light in a dark room. 

Revelation is communication from God to his children. It is passed through the revelator the Holy Ghost. By receiving the Holy Ghost we automatically receive revelation. Sincere desire and worthiness invite the spirit and revelation into our lives. We can receive whatever knowledge is necessary to complete our work as long as we have honest hearts and open minds.

 "This is thy gift, apply unto it."

If we allow harmful behavior, substances, or influences to enter our lives, our ability to feel the spirit will diminish over time.

Dreams, visions, and inspiration are ways we receive revelations. Some is immediate and intense and others are slow and gradual.

A light turned on in a dark room is like receiving an answer from God quickly and as needed quickly or urgently. These miracles do occur but it is rare.

Usually it is line upon line and precept upon precept like the light of the rising sun. Communication from God slowly seep into our souls and eventually we will realize that the sun has risen while we were striving.  Fundamental truths of the gospel are usually give to man slowly as we are able to accept them.  This method allows us to slowly purge doubt from ourselves because slowly our entire bodies fill with the truth of God. This is something that marvelous spiritual experiences cannot do.

Do not look for big events because they do not last as slow incremental learning does. 

As long as you are pressing forward you cannot go amiss. If you need large faith experiences to maintain your faith then you are not in good standing with God and you are setting yourself up to fall.

Sometimes cloudy conditions prevent us from seeing the sun itself but it is still light enough to function and tell that it is no longer night. Sometimes revelation is the same. We may not have a burning testimony after our efforts but we will have the ability  to tell that it is true to the point where we can continue on. We do not always recognize our direction from Gob and we need to be forever cognizant of the fact that we are walking in light and we do not recognize it because it has changed or come upon us so slowly.  We wont always have absolute assurance but as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments we will walk with the confidence that god will guide our steps. Revelation is often delicate and slow but it will provide enlarging strength to your soul and it will guide you to what you should do.

(6) Thomas S. Monson

The messages we have heard this morning are all true.  The welfare program is inspired of Almighty God.

Temples have been being built at rapid rates. There are currently 26 announced and under construction temples. We want the temple to be as accessible as possible to the members. The temple will fill your lives with the spirit and with the joy of covenant with the lord. Temples bring joy wherever the are built. Many member sacrifice greatly to receive temple blessings. If you have the ability to use the temple do so because you are greatly blessed with that opportunity. Some degree of sacrifice has ever been associated with temple building and temple attendance. No sacrifice is to great and no price is to heavy and no struggle is to difficult to nullify the blessings of the temple. The saving ordinances received there allow us to one day return to our father and to be endowed with power from on high.  85% of the membership live within 200 miles of the temple. Sacrifice the time in your life needed to serve in the temple.  The work is ours to do.

Some of the most sacred and cherished experiences of your life will take place in the temple. Work towards temple worthiness at all times.

Always have the temple I your sights. Do nothing to prevent you from entering its doors. Always remember why you want to go there.

Have pictures of the temples in every room in your house. The temple needs to be a central part of your life.

Don’t allow the world to drag you down and you can do this by attending the temple regularly.

The Rome temple is unique. It is in one of the most historic locations on earth. It is very important to the growth of the Church. Monson is grateful for the Rome temple as well as every temple in the world wherever it may be.

A solo and then duet and then group ensemble of "The spirit of God" was sung to close the meeting.

Sunday Afternoon Session

(2) D. Todd Christofferson

The Gospel is a plan that shows us how to become what our heavenly father wants us to become and not just a checklist. God is there for us if we do what he asks. We have to make effort to be a part of his Gospel. We are required to give sacrificial love.

We must seek correction. Devine correction is how the lord teaches us. "For whom the lord loveth, he chasteneth." we must repent when the lord tells us we are doing wrong. To do this we need to be humble. We must remember to always call upon the name of the lord. We must remember the include him in all our plans so that we can continuously receive the refining touch of the savior in our lives.  We should not resent the very thing that allows us to put on the whole armor of God. We do not know how to do it alone and the lord will tell us when we are doing wrong.

We must allow the lord to prune us back so that we can bring forth fruit.  If we grow on our own we will not be able to grow fruit on our own. 

Sometimes we cannot see why the lord does things to us or by us because we cannot see the end from the beginning.

If we are open to it, needed correction will come from many sources. From answers to prayer, studying the scriptures, from others especially leaders, and even from experiences where we realize what we are doing wrong. Gentle correction can often come from a spouse. 

Reproving of others should always be followed with an increase of love. We should get to the point where we can self correct.

(1) Richard G. Scott

Marriage and the Family

Satan is trying to undermine the family and bring down temple blessings.

The greatest blessings of life come from being married. Serve a worthy mission and then make marriage your highest priority. By staying within the bounds of worthiness you open yourself up to the greatest blessings of companionship and love. Tell her how much you love her and tell her often. She needs to see you and hear you express love. Do not assume that she will take it for granted. Hold her close and cherish her. She is your everything. Listen to her and support her in her. Cherish everything she does for you and do things for her as often as you can. Love your wife.

Righteous love is the foundation of a happy marriage and a strong family. It is so rewarding to be married. Marriage is wonderful. Your hearts and minds begin to think alike and you begin to become one with one another.

The covenants you make in the temple allow you to become selfless and more loving.  Live to be worthy of the love of your future spouse. You will receive every promised blessing for which you are worthy. Be worthy of her.


(3) Carl B. Pratt

Titheing is very important and even when there is no cash income you should pay tithes. Whenever you feel blessed by the Lord you owe him a tithe because you ALWAYS owe the Lord. Never not pay your tithes. Pay it from the first fruits of your income. It comes first. Tithing is not a matter of money. It is a matter of faith in the lord.

Demonstrate your faith in the lord by paying tithing.

Remember that your blessings are not always money related. You may not be rich because you pay tithing but you will not be lacking the necessity of life. We will be blessed with wisdom and opportunity. Wisdom to live better with 90% of our income than we do with a full 100%. The payment of tithing is an excellent insurance against divorce.

(4)Lynn G. Robins

What manner of men ought ye to be? Even as I am.

To be and to do are inseparable doctrines. You need to do both. Without both you are either a hypocrisy or an empty shell.

Being is more important than doing. We must BE worthy before we go and DO partake in the sacrament.

Be Smart, Be Grateful, Be Clean, Be True, Be Humble, Be Prayerful.

Teaching how to be will focus a person or child how to behave better than teaching a do. Do this through loving discipline. Through discipline a person learns of consequences and they learn the reasons why they are to do the right things. They learn how to be.

Sometimes our trouble children are given to us so that we can become more refined and more Christ like. We must condemn the sin and not the sinner. Don’t tell people that they fail because of their actions. They make bad choices but they are not bad people. 

Focus the praise you give children on supporting their BE not so much on their specific DO. Compliment on character traits and not on the results of these traits otherwise they may begin to focus on the results as though they are the most important thing.

(5)Benjamin De Hoyos

All people are fellow citizens with the saints. Nobody is an outsider. We are all the same in the Church because we are all children of God. The name of the Church was not chosen by men. It was given to us through the prophets by the Lord by revelation.  We are called by God as latter day saints when we are baptized. It’s a universal calling and responsibility of all church members that sets us apart.  As we conduct our daily sacrifices to the lord and consecrate our time to the lord often we become true saints. Saints are dedicated to their eternal families and to their fellow church members. They are those who respond to the call to serve as the lords missionaries. We all must become saints no matter where in our lives we may be. Remember that even Christ suffered and that we will have to take upon us similar suffering of some kind so that we can learn the ways in which we must become saints. There is no other way to heaven than to be a Latter Day Saint of Christ.  Our understanding of the Doctrine of Christ will be our strength as saints. We all have a universal bond as saints and through our sufferings we will all be blessed and be able to bless each other

(6) C. Scott Grow

"He who has repented of his sins is forgiven and I the lord remember them no more."

The Atonement is fulfilling the demands of both mercy and justice. It allows us to both be saved while the will of the father is satisfied. Christ's soul became an offering for sin through its purity and because of that he is able to fulfill the demands of justice.

The atonement also supports those who are harmed in their innocence by a sinner. He knows how to console them.  All can be healed through Christ. Everything.

Satan will tell us that we are lost and that there is no may to escape. This is false. It will take effort but we can always repent and forsake our sins.

The Atonement is always available.

(7) Jeffery R. Holland

"In the last days the mountain of the lords house shall be set up in the mountains and an ensign to the nations shall be sent forth."

General Conference is a continuing testament that Zion's Standard is unfurled. This is why we publish everything n the ensign.

Conference is a mass testament that God lives and loves us and that he speaks to his children. The council that we hear today is under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  People who speak at conference are not assigned a topic. They speak on these topics based on divine revelation.  The general authorities are mortal messengers with angelic messengers. They have all of the same struggles we do but they have the duty to send us divine instruction. They must speak to everyone everywhere members or not. Through divine revelation the talks always seem to mesh together and that is a manifestation of Gods will on earth.

Things are not getting any easier. We must strive harder not to fall into sin because it is getting easier to do so.  True discipleship is very difficult. This is not Subway. We cannot always have it "our way".

Most people who listen to conference are not doing anything really wrong and the brethren are not trying to tell us how wrong we are. They love us. They really love us. Elder Holland Loves us.

President Monson's life is not easy. But he loves us.

(8) Thomas S. Monson

President Monson expresses his love and appreciation for all of us. His personal gratitude for the Choirs. He has a testimony of Christ's love for all of us.

We need to be examples of honesty and integrity everywhere we go and in everything we do.

Christ taught us how to live and he taught us how to die. Celebrate Easter with love.


Monday, March 21, 2011


I never thought that paying attention to more than just my hometown could be so time consuming. I've decided that its time to venture out past the adolescent and close minded confines of facebook. Twitter is an amazing thing and i feel like an idiot for not having noticed it before. The world is big and I am small. And so it is.